What We Can Learn About Living From the World's Healthiest Countries

The World’s Healthiest Countries have been named by Bloomberg, and it’s time to be inspired by their life expectancy, environment,...

Effective Exercises That Can Bring Relief to Ankylosing Spondylitis

While many people are familiar with the term arthritis, they may not know what ankylosing spondylitis is. This is a form of arthritis that affects...

Simple Tips for Overcoming Morning Joint Stiffness to Wake Up Easier

Arthritis is a collection of joint diseases characterized by inflammation, hence the “-itis” at the end of the name. Arthritic joints can be so painful...

Water Exercise: The Perfect Activity for Natural Arthritis Relief

Arthritis is one of the most common causes of pain and discomfort in the United States. Millions suffer from some form of arthritis, and it...

The Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turmeric Everyone Should Know

The popularity of turmeric has been on the rise in recent years, and not just because it’s a great tasting spice. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory...

What an Ankylosing Spondylitis Diagnosis Means For You + Natural Relief

Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that specifically targets your lower spine. It’s commonly overlooked as many people attribute the back pain to something...

9 Exercises That Are Perfect for People With Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that affects the spine. Most commonly felt as pain in the lower back, it can be easy to...

Can You Drink Your Way to Joint Health With Green Tea? Here's How

Whether you are currently suffering from a joint condition, like rheumatoid arthritis, or you want to protect yourself from joint complications in the future, green...

5 Tips for Fighting Ankylosing Spondylitis Fatigue the Natural Way

Most people are not familiar with the condition ankylosing spondylitis, but they are familiar with arthritis. Arthritis is an umbrella term for several different joint...

Beyond Back Pain: Warning Signs of Ankylosing Spondylitis

With the stress of daily life and all of our responsibilities, back pain has generally been accepted to be a part of everyday life. While...

Managing Joint Pain: 9 Ways to Naturally Reduce Uric Acid in the Body

Uric acid is a waste by-product that the body creates after breaking down purines. Purines are naturally produced in the body and are found in...

Is Krill Oil Good for Your Health? Here's What the Scientists Say

Is krill oil really as good as everyone says it is? It seems like so many supplements are more about hype than they are about...

Preventing Osteoarthritis: Symptoms, Risks, and Natural Treatments

Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the joints in your body. Wrapped around your joints, between your bones, is cartilage that’s there to protect the...

How Multiple Sclerosis Isn't Stopping Selma Blair + MS Treatment Tips

Selma Blair has been gracing the screen, both big and small, for the last twenty years. You probably know her from Cruel Intentions, Legally Blonde,...

Is the Curcumin in Turmeric More Effective Than Prozac for Depression?

Depression is the most common mental disease in the United States. In response to this, antidepressants are manufactured all year long to attempt to cure...

The 6 Top Supplements for Joint Pain: What They Do and How They Work

Arthritis affects millions in America and the chronic joint pain and inflammation can interfere with daily activities as well as quality of life. There are...

Top 10 Gentle Exercises to Help With Arthritis: Reduce Pain and More

Arthritis is a common condition, afflicting millions in the United States every year. Arthritis is actually a collection of conditions affecting joint health, rather than...

What Is Bursitis? Prevention and Treatment Tips + Signs and Symptoms

Bursitis is an inflammatory condition commonly confused with arthritis. The two conditions, despite having inflammation in common, are markedly different. Arthritis is a joint condition...

How to Use Epsom Salt for Soreness, Feet, and Other Health Benefits

You may be familiar with using Epsom salt in a bath to soothe aching muscles, but there is much more you can do with this...

11 Most Popular Types of Yoga and Which Yoga Style Is Best for You

Whether you are thinking of trying out yoga, expanding your yoga horizons, or just want to see what all the fuss is about, yoga is...

7 Best Anti-Inflammatory Spices for Natural Arthritis Pain Reduction

Living with arthritis is not fun. Swollen, inflamed, and aching joints can prevent mobility and prevent you from doing even the most basic of activities....

How Physical Therapy Relieves Arthritis Pains and Other Natural Tips

Contrary to what people think, arthritis is not a singular condition. It is actually a collection of conditions marked by inflamed joints. Inflammation causes swelling,...

How Turmeric Benefits Gallbladder Health—What if You Have Gallstones?

It should come as no surprise that turmeric is useful for treating several health conditions. Used for centuries in traditional medicine, this spice has proved...

Are There Side Effects to Boswellia Serrata? What You Should Know

Whether you call it Boswellia serrata or Indian frankincense, the benefits are the same. This herb has been used for centuries in traditional and ancient...

Is Turmeric Helpful in Diabetes Treatment? Curcumin & Heart Health

Turmeric has been used for centuries both in the kitchen and in the world of medicine. As a natural option for pain relief, turmeric has...

9 Rheumatoid Arthritis Superfoods for Your Healthy Lifestyle + Tips

Arthritis is a general term for a collection of inflammatory-related joint conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a specific autoimmune version of the condition that is...

Does Turmeric Have Negative Side Effects? Supplement Pros & Cons

What is turmeric? The most common response is that bright and flavorful spice you add to curries and other meals. But, there is more to...

9 Stretches to Help Relieve Knee Pain When It’s Cold

A common occurrence during Fall and Winter is that, when the weather starts cooling down, knee pain starts to act up. This isn’t just in...

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet You Need for Heart and Cognitive Health

Chronic inflammation is linked to some of the most serious diseases we face. Diabetes, asthma, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer all have been shown...

Is Upside-Down Inversion Therapy Good for Your Back and Joints?

The gravity that keeps us here on Earth also compresses your spine, which in time can cause back pains, interfere with circulation, and exacerbate inflammation...

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