6 Life-Changing Things a Silent Retreat Can Teach You About Yourself

Silent retreats may sound like a new-age fad, and there can be an element of that, but they’re actually a...

Tasty and Good for You: Lemon Bars With a Twist of Lavender and Thyme

It’s no secret that many herbs and spices have been used for centuries to treat illness and prevent disease. Natural herbs like lavender and thyme...

Lyme Disease? Why This Natural Supplement Is Exactly What You Need

Lyme disease is a highly infectious disease that is caused by bacteria transmitted by ticks. These ticks are most commonly found in woodland and grassy...

The 8 Foods You Should Be Eating If You Want That Great Night's Sleep

Are the foods you eat helping you get a great night’s sleep, or are they sabotaging your sleep? You know that a cup of coffee...

7 Ways to Avoid Sleep Deprivation if Work Has You Waking Up Too Early

While there are a few early birds out there, for most people early mornings are not fun. An early start to work can be made...

Do You Have Insomnia Without Knowing It? Sleep Health Tips You Need

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine estimates that about 30% of adults have symptoms of insomnia. That’s almost a third of all people not getting...

How to Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer With More Than Sunscreen

Skin cancer is more prevalent than you may imagine. In fact, more people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the U.S. than all...

Here's What Scientists Say About Chronic Inflammation and Memory Loss

One of the most dreaded things about getting older is memory loss. While the occasional bout of forgetfulness is expected, the thought of memory loss...

Alzheimer's Disease: Could a Hip Fracture or Fall Be a Warning Sign?

Alzheimer's disease is one of the things we dread most as we get older. A little forgetfulness here and there is one thing, but the...

7 Ways to Heal in Nature on Earth Day for Amazing Health Benefits

This April 22nd will mark the 49th Earth Day celebration, the global event aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues. It’s a perfect day to...

Understanding Your Monkey Mind and 10 Tips for Taming It

The monkey mind is most closely associated with your ego and it’s constantly sounding the alarm and pointing out all the things that can go...

How to Fight PMS Symptoms and Period Pain With Krill Oil Supplements

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) afflicts more than 90% of the female population. It’s defined as a combination of symptoms that are...

6 Natural Health Benefits of Lavender & How to Grow It

While its smell is incredibly soothing, lavender has more to offer than just a great aroma. It’s packed with healthy benefits, and it’s been a...

What's the Right Dosage for Turmeric? How Much to Take for Benefits

It has been well documented that turmeric is the go-to spice when it comes to controlling inflammation. This bright and distinctive spice can do so...

National Puzzle Day Brain Exercises + Why Puzzles Help Brain Health

January 29th is National Puzzle day, a great day to start a new routine of daily brain games. Whether you already engage in brain games...

How Is Your Mental Health Affected by the Health of Your Gut and Why?

Good mental health is just as important as physical health, and often more important. Despite the field of mental health developing much later compared to...

The Ultimate Sleep Hack? A Simple Breathing Technique Called 4-7-8

We currently live in an age in which not getting an adequate amount of sleep is seen as a badge of honor, showing everyone that...

7 Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder + DIY Treatment

Sometimes there is more to feeling sad than you might think. If you find that you are losing interest in activities you love, are feeling...

Virtual Reality Unlocks New Therapy for Alzheimer's and Dementia

Getting older comes with experience and wisdom, but memory starts to fade and, in some cases, disappears completely. Memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases are common...

Lupus Sufferers Can Find Relief in These 9 Turmeric Health Benefits

Lupus is a non-contagious inflammatory autoimmune disease in which your own immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues within the body. This is one of those...

Is Focusing on a Single Sport Early Bad for Your Child's Health?

We all want the best for our kids and encourage them to pursue their passions and interests. Unfortunately, sometimes we may push a little too...

New Research Sheds Light on How the Brain Thinks and Navigates Memory

The brain is an intriguing and extraordinary organ. Our thought processes have long been a topic of interest in the scientific community. How exactly do...

4 Things About Life With Alzheimer's That Patients Want You to Know

People start to panic when they begin misplacing items and forgetting things. Memory loss scares most of us and is an inevitable part of getting...

Why Social Media Causes Depression: Staying Mentally Healthy Online

Social media in its many forms has brought a smile to the faces of billions. What is not to love about having an easy way...

Why You Should Lower Cortisol (Stress) Levels + How to Do It Naturally

Just relaxing is easier said than done for most of us. In fact, you can probably ease some tension in your shoulders and neck right...

Why Anxiety and Panic Attacks Couldn't Stop Oscar-Winner Emma Stone

Stress can often cause many of us to feel overwhelmed, but when it begins to take over your life and causes frequent panic or anxiety...

Keira Knightley's Victory Over a Breakdown + Boosting Mental Health

The stress and chaos of everyday life can often leave many of us feeling lost. But this doesn’t compare to feeling completely lost and hopeless...

8 Reasons Why a Professional Therapist Is Better Than Your Friends

We’ve come to a unique place in society where we’re finally destigmatizing mental health issues. People are not only willing to admit they’re having some...

Groundbreaking Research May Help Treat Alzheimer’s and Brain Injuries

Alzheimer’s disease is something many of us fear. Brain injuries pose a similar threat as humans rely on their brain for so many conscious and...

Turmeric (Curcumin) Supplement Label Guide: Avoiding Marketing Tricks

There seems to be a supplement for everything these days. Turmeric, and the curcumin it contains, is one of the most popular supplements around because...

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