How to Help a Loved One With Depression Without Harming Yourself

We often think of celebrities as these untouchable beings who live ideal, perfect lives and have everything that they’ve ever wanted or needed. Then we...

New Hormone Could Cause Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) + Treatment

Unless you have been affected by it, you may not know of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This condition is the number one cause of female...

What Does Ginger Do for You? 10 Health Benefits of the New Superfood

These days, it seems everyone is trying to identify the next great “superfood.” From kale and cabbage to berries and herbs, many different foods are...

DIY Hemorrhoid Cream With Inflammation Fighter Turmeric + Tips

Unfortunately, hemorrhoids have a very negative social stigma, and that causes people to be embarrassed about talking about them. But the truth is that hemorrhoids...

Melatonin Supplements: What Are the Risks, Benefits, & Side Effects?

Melatonin is a hormone that your body naturally produces to regulate your sleep cycle. It also can be found in supplemental form for those who...

How Muhammad Ali's Parkinson's Disease Struggle Can Inspire Everyone

Float like a butterfly sting like a bee. You hear the phrase and one person comes to mind: Muhammad Ali is a legend who transcended...

Arthritis Diet: What Foods to Eat and Which To Avoid

People of any race, age, and gender can develop arthritis. The common factor in each of the 100 forms of arthritis, and the 50 million...

12 Turmeric Benefits to Rival Medications

Turmeric may be your favorite spice to add to curried dishes, but it can do so much more. Used for centuries in ancient Chinese and...

Why Am I So Lonely? Signs, Symptoms, and What to Do About Loneliness

When it comes to our health, we often worry about our diets, exercise, bacteria, and illness. Loneliness is one such factor that we forget about,...

Do Antidepressants Cause Withdrawal? Symptoms and Side Effects Guide

Antidepressant drugs are known to have extremely addictive effects. These drugs are designed to alter your brain chemistry, and in the right circumstances they can...

What Happens in the Brain When You Have Depression? Causes & Treatments

Cognitive decline is a normal part of aging, but dementia is something we all want to avoid. It has long been theorized that depression contributes...

How to Get Vitamin D Benefits From the Sun Safely: Best Times & Foods

You may have noticed yourself feeling better after spending a day outdoors in the sun, as opposed to staying inside all day. But have you...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Benefits & DIY Techniques for Anxiety

If you go to your doctor and complain about stress or anxiety, you might not get the help you’re looking for. Many doctors are quick...

Is Dementia Treatable? Facts, Causes, Symptoms & More

Unfortunately, dementia is an all too common problem among. It can be a debilitating issue that can make life extraordinarily difficult, both for the individual...

Why Nutritional Psychiatry Is the Future of Mental Health Treatment

Our well-being depends on a balanced and nutritious diet. We are all too aware that a lack of nutrition can cause health problems and illness,...

13 Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory on "I Forgot Day"

National I Forgot Day is July 2, so now is the perfect time to work on the health of your memory. It is not uncommon...

How Weekly Volunteering Can Overcome Loneliness and Depression

We all need some alone time every now and then, but too much of this can be a terrible thing. Loneliness has been linked to...

Michael J. Fox: Parkinson’s Disease Never Stole His Smile

As everyone’s favorite high school hero who got to go Back to the Future, Michael J. Fox has been a beloved celebrity for decades. In...

New Study Finds Key to How to Diagnose Alzheimer’s Early Before Onset

Alzheimer’s disease affects millions of people in the United States and is devastating to the individual and their loved ones. The disease is thought to...

What Is the Best Diet for Depression, Fatigue, & Anxiety? 8 Top Foods

When it comes to mental health you have more control than you may think—Genetics and environmental factors play a part in the development of mental...

Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain: Music for Cognitive Health

Your brain is probably the most important organ in your body—it controls everything else. It is also the one thing we fear losing the most...

3 Simple Habits Unlock How to Train Your Brain to Stop Worrying

The future is unpredictable, and it makes us worry from time to time. While idling over various concerns can help you find a resolution to...

Magnesium Deficiency May Create Low Vitamin D: Causes & Treatment

We all know that vitamin D is one of the essential vitamins that we need. Much of the country falls short of getting enough vitamin...

8 Health-Damaging Habits You Probably Do Every Day

Habits can be good, and they can be bad. The problem is that, once you develop them, they can be difficult to change. Even worse...

How to Improve Your Health One Houseplant at a Time

No matter where you live, the sad truth is that the air outside is not always great for your health. Most people think they are...

3 Things Everyone Should Know About Vitamin D

The most important reason we try to eat a balanced diet is to get the vitamins and nutrients our body needs. Essential vitamins are those...

The Inflammation Factor: Getting to the Heart of the Joint Health Matter

Identified by the presence of pain, warmth, redness, swelling, and loss of function, inflammation is experienced by all of us. The process of inflammation is...

The Miracle Mineral That Can Radically Reduce Anxiety

One of the most important minerals required for maximum well-being is Magnesium. Nick-named the ‘’ultimate chill pill’’ and ‘’nature’s Valium"

How To Know If You Should Worry About Alzheimer's Disease

Oftentimes, when women comes out on the other side of menopause, or simply as both genders age, a common fear starts to rise,...

TED Talk: Neuroscientist Explains What Happens When We Pay Close Attention

There are few parts of human physiologically more mysterious and illuminating than brain function, and neuroscience expert Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar takes the time in...

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