Your immune system protects you from environmental and seasonal threats, and ensuring it’s functioning properly is critical for your health. A great deal of energy is required to support this defense system, making it essential for you to make lifestyle choices that allow this system to function effectively. With proactive care, your immune system can keep your body happy and healthy for years to come

Being proactive about immune health can help reduce common concerns, and taking a holistic approach to promote immune health is one of the best ways to do this. By developing a routine that incorporates immune-supporting nutrients, regular exercise, and naturally derived supplements, you can take important steps to maintain optimal immune function and longevity.

Support Immune Health Every Day

A daily routine can help organize your actions and structure your day, and this can make the difference between operating at optimal health levels and risking common health issues. Like the one suggested here, a solid health routine incorporates a holistic approach to immune health, allowing you to achieve long-term health goals. 

6:00 – 7:00 am:

As you sleep, your body loses water, so the first thing you should do every morning is drink two cups of water with lemon. Staying hydrated is also essential for proper immune system function. Your immune system relies on your bloodstream to transport fluid, nutrients, and important communication signals to organs. With blood plasma consisting of about 90% water, hydration is necessary to support this.

Additionally, the lymphatic system relies heavily on a clear and colorless fluid called lymph, largely made from water. A well-functioning lymphatic system helps remove occasional toxins, waste, debris, abnormal cells, and seasonal threats from the system while also transporting intruder-fighting white blood cells throughout the body. Dehydration can reduce lymph production, impairing important immune activities.

7:00 – 7:30 am:

The morning is a great time to get your daily exercise in. Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes a day. When you are active in the morning, you can also reduce elevated cortisol levels that develop overnight. These elevated cortisol levels can weaken the immune system, and your morning exercise routine is a great way to get these levels down to support your immune system and energy levels for the day ahead. 

A beneficial exercise to get you moving in the morning is a brisk walk that helps to increase the circulation of nutrients, oxygen, and immune cells around the body. The more you walk, the better your defenses will be, as studies show that the number of immune cells increases after just five minutes of exercise. The careful movements of Tai Chi have also been shown to support immune function and are a gentle way to wake your body up.

A kale and spinach smoothie for breakfast

7:30 – 7:45 am:

Once you are up and moving, it is time to nourish and energize your body for the day ahead. Enjoy a smoothie for breakfast each morning like the nutritious Immune Supporting Sweet Green Smoothie.

♦ 1 cup chopped spinach and kale
♦ 1 ½ cups unsweetened almond milk (or alternative non-dairy milk)
♦ ½ cup mango
♦ ½ cup pineapple
♦ ½ cup kiwi
♦ ½ teaspoon freshly grated ginger
♦ ½ lemon, juiced

You can also alternate your smoothies with other breakfast items full of immune-supporting foods to add variety to your morning meals. For example, try a bowl of oatmeal or granola because oats are full of beta-glucan, which has been shown to help support the immune system’s defense abilities. You can also add a little turmeric to your pancake mix to add some fun color and the purifying benefits of curcumin, the main compound in turmeric. 

With each morning meal, you can add some extra support for your immune system with the doctor-recommended ImmunityMD® and BreatheMD supplements. 

ImmunityMD®: A comprehensive immune supplement that includes a prebiotic and probiotic blend to support immune health by promoting the gut’s ability to absorb nutrients and block typical toxins. The inclusion of L-Lysine helps reduce everyday worry and stress hormones, while zinc helps support optimal immune cell health and the immune system’s overall health. Zinc also supports the body’s zinc also helps with your body’s detoxification process, helping to support relief from any uncomfortable skin issues that can arise with weakened immune function. 

BreatheMD: A powerful immunity and respiratory supplement with powerful ingredients that support immune system defenses, encourage antioxidant activity, aid respiratory system performance, and provide healthy immunity. 

African geranium helps support healthy stimulation of the immune system to fight everyday threats.

♦ L-cysteine is an important compound known to promote glutathione production, an antioxidant enzyme supporting respiratory function.

Vitamin D3, which supports immune cell production and functions to promote immune responses.

Marshmallow root, which supports L-cysteine with respiratory tract moisture levels while also encouraging immune responses.

During your day:

Planning is the most important part of the rest of your day, especially concerning food. Plan and prepare snacks and a lunch for the day to avoid making unhealthy choices. You also need to make sure you have a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack and lunch each day, with a goal of eating every three hours. Studies show individuals who eat frequent small meals enjoy sustained energy levels, optimal metabolism, and overall health. 

Yogurt with almond and honey as an afternoon snack

A healthy metabolism ensures nutrients are properly absorbed and delivered to your immune system and other areas of the body where they can be used to promote optimal health. Some snacks to prepare that will keep you energized, full, and supporting immune cells include:

♦ Nuts and seeds are full of zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids that help support immune activity. They are also rich sources of vitamin A, D, E, and K, which are fat-soluble and help reduce the risk of common seasonal threats.

♦ Yogurt is full of probiotics that help support the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which make up the immune system. 

♦ Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit are full of vitamin C. This essential vitamin positively influences both the adaptive and innate immune systems by strengthening epithelial tissue and improving immune cell activity. 

Your lunchtime meal should be full of nutrients, low in saturated fats and refined sugars, and high in fiber. Always plan to take lunch with you rather than eating out to ensure you get the nutrition you need for optimal immune health. Some delicious and nutrient-rich meal ideas for immune and overall health can include:

♦ Roast Vegetable Soup
♦ Lentil and Vegetable Stew
♦ Carrot and Ginger Soup
♦ Turkey and Black Bean Chili
♦ Chicken and Spinach Soup

Don’t forget the importance of staying hydrated. Keep a big bottle of water with you, keeping in mind that you should finish it by the end of the day. Additionally, you can take a second dose of ImmunityMD® with your afternoon snack during, particularly stressful times. If you are taking BreatheMD, you can take your second daily dose at this time. 

Get in a workout:

An additional 30 minutes of exercise is up to you. If you cannot do exercise in the morning, make sure you fit in a workout during the day. Even with some Tai Chi in the morning, you can still do an additional aerobic workout during the day to further support immunity and overall health. Just make sure you do not overdo it. For immune system health, try walking, cycling, swimming, or jogging. 

Woman walking with her daughter in the afternoon

6:30 – 8:30 pm:

You can eat your dinner at any time, so long as it is finished two hours before bed, as this is essential for uninterrupted sleep. A balanced and nutrient-rich plate should include one-third of vegetables, one-third protein (fatty fish, lean poultry), one-third healthy fats, complex carbohydrates (sweet potato, brown rice), or additional vegetables. A good rule of thumb to remember when preparing meals to support immune health is to keep it colorful, fresh, and in small portions.

8:30 – 9:30 pm:

At the end of your day, it is important to take it easy. You have been active all day, which will have taken its toll on your body. To help prepare you for a good night’s sleep, spend some time alone, even if it is just 15 minutes, to breathe deeply, meditate, take a bath, or read. Developing a bedtime routine helps lower cortisol levels and stress, promoting uninterrupted sleep for optimal immune system function support. 

During sleep, the immune system releases certain chemicals known to increase with seasonal stressors or during periods of stress to keep your body healthy and defended. During stress, the body uses a lot of energy to fight invaders and reduce threats by kicking the immune system into high gear, leaving less energy for other activities. It is important to plan for more sleep than usual when you are ill to allow your body adequate time for recovery. 

9:30 – 10:30 pm:

Ideally, you want to get to bed before 11 pm. Plan a bedtime that allows you to get the sleep you need. Most sleep experts agree that seven to eight hours a night is optimal. However, some people may require more or less sleep than others. If you wake without an alarm and feel refreshed when you get up, you are getting the right amount of sleep. If not, you need to adjust your routine and bedtime accordingly. 

Final Thoughts

Establishing a daily routine that incorporates a holistic approach to immune system health is the best way to reduce the risk of common problems and support overall wellbeing and longevity. A balanced diet, regular exercise, healthy habits, and the additional support of doctor-recommended supplements like ImmunityMD® and BreatheMD can help maintain optimal immune system function so that you can live every day to the fullest.

Dr. Brian Greenberg

Dr. Brian Greenberg is an immunologist, allergist, and pediatrician who received his medical degree from the University of Florida, and completed his residency and fellowship at UCLA. He has practiced medicine in Southern California for almost 25 years.