Mānuka honey is one of the most unique kinds of honey in the world. This honey is produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the mānuka bush. Aside from its unique appearance, this honey has special health benefits that make it one of a kind. Those looking to promote their health should seek out this natural honey.

What Are the Benefits of Mānuka Honey?

Any type of raw honey is full of beneficial vitamins and minerals, including:

♦ B vitamins
♦ Calcium
♦ Amino acids
♦ Magnesium
♦ Copper
♦ Phosphorus
♦ Potassium
♦ Manganese
♦ Zinc

In addition to the amazing properties regular honey has, mānuka honey offers four times the amount of each of these beneficial vitamins and minerals! Aside from its increased vitamin and mineral content, there is something else that makes this honey incredibly special.

Bee on a flower

In 1981, researchers at the New Zealand University of Waikato wanted to carry out research to determine why this honey has such amazing antibiotic-like benefits. Through their research, they were able to determine mānuka honey has significantly more enzymes than other types of honey. The enzymes seem to form a substance that is similar to hydrogen peroxide.

Mānuka honey contains three ingredients that give it additional health benefits over other honey, making up what is called the Unique Mānuka Factor (UMF):

♦ Hydrogen peroxide 
♦ Methylglyoxal 
♦ Dihydroxyacetone

Does Mānuka Honey Work Better Than Antibiotics?

When it comes to infections, the first line of treatment is typically antibiotics. Unfortunately, there has been an over-reliance on antibiotics in the United States, leading to the formation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. These dangerous bacteria can cause serious illness and even death. According to the Centers For Disease Control, antibiotic-resistant bacteria is now considered one of the world's most serious problems.

Antibiotic-resistant wounds are occurring more frequently than ever before. Recent research has been done to determine if mānuka honey could be used as an effective biofilm and antibiotic treatment. It turns out the results were astounding, leading them to come to a determination that this special honey, and its powerful compounds, can kill serious and deadly infections such as MRSA and MSSA (staphylococcus infections).

What Conditions Can Be Treated With Mānuka Honey?

♦ Low stomach acid and acid reflux 
♦ Eczema, acne, and certain types of skin rashes 
♦ Burns, ulcers, and other types of wounds 
♦ Staph infections 
♦ Tooth decay and gum disease 
♦ Irritable bowel syndrome 
♦ Sore throat 
♦ Immune system disorders 
♦ Allergies and sinus conditions 
♦ Sleep problems 

These are but just a few of the ailments mānuka honey has been found to successfully treat. Its boost to the immune system helps keep the body fighting off bacteria for better overall health. It is important that a person uses raw mānuka honey that has not been heat-treated so they will be able to take advantage of the many benefits it offers.

What Is the Best Method of Using Mānuka Honey?

Mānuka honey can be taken in the following ways:

♦ Applied directly to the skin to treat wounds, bites, and rashes
♦ Up to a tablespoon taken orally to soothe the throat and help digestion
♦ Eaten as any other honey would be to maintain overall health and vitality

Taking a spoonful of undiluted mānuka honey allows it to be readily and quickly absorbed by the body. If you are taking mānuka honey for health reasons, the typical daily dose will range from one to three teaspoons. The actual dose will vary depending on your reason for taking it. 

The benefits can typically be felt within a few days of consumption. People often experience maximum benefits when dosages are increased from 1-2 tablespoons per day to 3-4 tablespoons per day for three months and beyond. But please speak with your doctor before taking or increasing dosages. 

Honey, rosemary, lemon

How Do You Know You Are Purchasing Authentic Mānuka Honey?

As more and more people learn of the benefits of this honey, its demand has significantly increased. Shortages have allowed some companies to market honey as mānuka when it is not authentic. This is why it is imperative individuals are able to fully understand what they need to look for when making their purchase.

The UMF level of honey is the key to ensuring it will offer powerful benefits to your health. All mānuka honey is required to be labeled with its UMF level. Although the law only requires a 5% rating for a honey to be labeled “mānuka,” medical experts agree full benefits can only be achieved when using a honey that has a UMF of 10% or higher.

When looking for genuine mānuka honey, pay attention for: 

♦ A clearly labeled UMF trademark on the label. The honey will be bottled by a UMF licensed New Zealand company. The UMF company's name and license number should be clearly marked, and the UMF rating will be listed as a number from 5-16+.

To help you understand the UMF ratings found on mānuka honey:

♦ 0-4 is considered non-therapeutic
♦ 4-9 offers the same benefits as other types of common honey
♦ 10-14 helps support natural healing and a proper bacterial balance in the body
♦ 15+ offers superior therapeutic benefit

(A word of caution: Mānuka honey with a UMF rating over 15 is very strong and should be taken in moderation, only a tablespoon at a time. This honey should never be taken by those who are allergic to bees as there is a risk of adverse allergic reactions. Always consult with your health care professional before taking mānuka honey for health reasons.)

The Bottom Line

When choosing mānuka honey, make sure you choose a fully organic, non-heat-treated type. When heated, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are destroyed. Checking the label and verifying the authenticity and the UMF level are essential.

Not only does this honey offer unique health benefits, but it also has a delicious taste that differs from common honey. This honey has a more bitter taste, common in darker honey, and tastes like a honey and molasses mixed.

If you are concerned about your health, mānuka honey can be a good addition to your diet. Just a spoonful a day can do wonders for your health. Talk with your doctor, and then get yourself a bottle of pure, organic mānuka honey today so you can promote your best health. It's absolutely worth it!