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Why Ibuprofen for a Bad UTI Can Be Dangerous

7 minute read

Getting a urinary tract infection (or UTI) can be very uncomfortable and painful, so it’s understandable why anyone suffering from one would reach for a painkiller like ibuprofen to get relief.

In fact, some doctors have even started recommending ibuprofen for UTI treatment as opposed to antibiotics. This is because the overuse of antibiotics has become a topic of great interest among the medical community.

However, new research has shown that ibuprofen may not be the best option for women suffering from UTIs.

The Problem With Advil (Ibuprofen)

A study out of Norway found evidence that ibuprofen can cause a whole host of complications, and could even cause the infection to last longer than normal.

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Almost 400 women with UTIs were given either antibiotics or ibuprofen as treatment. After monitoring their progress, scientists found that women on ibuprofen took an average of three days longer to get well than those using antibiotics, with only 39 percent of ibuprofen-users recovering by the fourth day. Of the antibiotic group, 74 percent had recovered by that same time.

Also, 12 of those on ibuprofen developed a febrile urinary tract infection on top of their pre-existing UTI. Plus, a small percent also developed an infection in the kidneys. Neither of these occurred in the group on antibiotics.

Researchers stated that it was no longer possible to recommend ibuprofen as a means of UTI treatment due to the risk of serious complications, including upper urinary tract infections.

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So, what is the best option for people suffering from UTIs? If ibuprofen comes with a whole set of risks, and antibiotics are being discouraged, where can you turn for relief?

Obviously, you should always follow the advice of your doctor over something you read on the internet. However, many doctors have begun prescribing natural alternatives that may surprise you.

One natural solution has really been growing in popularity recently, and that’s because it can help with not only UTI symptoms but also a wide range of other health issues.

What Is This Solution? Probiotics

You’ve probably heard of probiotics before, but you may not be sure exactly how they work, or how they could help with a UTI.

Essentially, probiotics are “good” bacteria that you take to help restore the bacterial balance of your gut. Your digestive tract (gut) is loaded with trillions and trillions of tiny bacteria living inside. Many of these bacteria are actually necessary for your body to thrive, contrary to what you might think.

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It turns out, not all bacteria are bad. And the bacteria in your gut are a prime example.

When you take probiotics regularly for an extended period of time, you might notice a huge range of benefits, thanks to the various different ways your gut microbiome can influence your body’s functions.

One of the benefits of taking probiotics is a boosted immune system, which can help protect your body against infections like UTIs. But the benefits don’t just stop with preventing infections.

Taking probiotics can actually help relieve a number of the symptoms associated with UTIs and other ailments. Here are just a few of the benefits you might feel if you start taking probiotics regularly:

More Energy

Studies have shown that the bacterial balance in your gut can actually affect how much natural energy your body gets throughout the day. If your digestive system is loaded with bad bacteria, it can cause you to feel sluggish or fatigued.

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Many people often assume that their low energy levels are a normal part of age or simply a result of working too hard, but the truth is, if you’re suffering from low energy, it could be because you have an unbalanced gut microbiome.

Smoother Digestion

This one seems obvious – of course, the bacteria in your gut are going to have something to do with digestion. But you might not know the full range of symptoms that an imbalanced microbiome can cause. If you regularly experience bloating, gas, or painful cramps, all of these could be a sign that your gut bacteria is seriously out of whack.

Too much bad bacteria in your gut can also affect the quality and regularity of your bowel movements. So if you’ve been experiencing any type of uncomfortable digestion, the root cause could be residing inside your gut.

Improved Sleep

You might not think that your digestive system could possibly be related to your sleeping patterns, but you’d be wrong. Scientific research has shown a link between sleeping properly and a healthy gut microbiome.

Just as an imbalanced gut can affect your energy during the day, it can also affect your ability to get a full night of restful sleep. The negative effects of a poor night’s sleep can really impact your body’s internal schedule and your overall productivity the next day, so keeping your gut microbiome in check is essential for maintaining a healthy routine.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, probiotics are a powerful health booster that can not only help prevent infections like UTIs but also relieve some of the symptoms associated with them.

If you’re looking for a high-quality probiotic to try, you might consider a high-quality probiotics supplement. This formula offers a comprehensive variety of strains of good bacteria, so a few days of regular doses should help get your gut back on the right track quickly – and keep those painful UTIs at bay.

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