How to Feng Shui Your Home for Less Stress and Improved Wellbeing
7 minute read
One great approach to creating a home that gives you the peace your soul desires is to return to the ancient practice of Feng Shui. In an era that’s full of stress, constant bombardment from social media and no means to escape the “connectedness” of the world, you really need an oasis that’s your own, personal escape.
The modern home is becoming more important, and “staycations” are a must to refuel and recharge. Learning to take advantage of Feng Shui’s principles as part of interior decorating for where you live can be a great way to promote a healthier home.
What Is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient Chinese art developed and honed over thousands of years to promote harmony through the creation of physical and environmental balance. It is believed that following the philosophy of Feng Shui will bring such a sense of well-being to your life that it can improve every aspect, from your health to your financial outlook.
Feng Shui focuses on the invisible energy forces or qi (pronounced chee) that bind the universe together.
Feng Shui is one of the five Chinese metaphysical arts of physiognomy that’s used to align buildings, structures, and spaces to promote harmony, balance and improve the flow of good qi.
Inside the home, Feng Shui uses color, numbers, symbols, texture and influencers to adjust and direct the energy flow in a positive way so you we have more health, happiness, and abundance.
How Does Feng Shui Apply Today?
If you’re curious but don’t know how to apply Feng Shui to your life today or to your home environment, rest assured it is possible. However, it will probably require some effort.
With all of the stress and anxiety in your world, though, it’s worth it to put that effort into creating a peaceful home.
The overarching concept is that your home reflects your life; it’s a mirror of what’s inside of you.
The principles mostly circle around the idea that everything has energy, even inanimate objects, and that you can adapt and adjust your home to let the energy flow freely and positively.
Feng Shui Decorating Tips
If you like the idea of creating a home that relieves stress, then Feng Shui is an excellent practice to bring into your home. The following tips will help you get started and set the stage for transforming your home into a retreat.
The entrance is the perfect place to start because it’s where energy enters the home. It’s best if this area is free from clutter and has a soft nature.
It’s sometimes difficult to create a clutter-free entrance and it requires help from everyone in the family. But once you enter your home you want that feeling of sanctuary, not that clutter is going to trip you or suffocate you.
The living room is where most families spend a lot of their time. Color is important here because it sets the mood. Soft colors are more inviting in this space than heavily saturated ones and dark colors.
When it comes to furniture, you must select pieces that are proportional, so they don’t interrupt the flow. Natural shapes that are organic and curved work great in this space as opposed to sharp and hard edges.
This is an area that easily accumulates clutter. Avoid this and try to feature only a few items and ones that have the most meaning to you. This makes a warm emotional response for positive energy flow.
The kitchen can be the hub of the house so keeping the energy positive is essential. The best design for a kitchen is a triangle with the refrigerator, oven, and sink at the three points. This keeps harmony between fire and water elements.
Bedrooms are the ultimate, stress-free retreat and should be designed to promote that and quality sleep. That said, the bedroom is also where you wake up in the morning. To keep the energy going the right way, the bed should be far away from the door and not on the floor.
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Soft colors are key to a restful bedroom but keeping clutter to a minimum is also very important. Removing unnecessary electrical devices can help relieve stress and improve your ability to get to sleep and enjoy quality rest.
Overall Tips for Feng Shui
These can help you set the stage throughout your home. Many of these are quick and easy tips and don’t require expensive changes.
♦ Make the most of natural light. Sunlight is packed with mood-enhancing benefits and it’s a big part of Feng Shui because it’s an energy source.
♦ Removing clutter improves the positive energy flow, it also elevates you emotionally better because things feel under control.
♦ Highlight nature to create a sense of calm and peace. There are positive effects from having plants on a Feng Shui level, on an emotional level, and on a physical level.
♦ Separate home and work environments, especially if you work at home. Try to keep these two parts of your life as separate as possible to boost your sense of home being a retreat.
♦ Create a quiet space, an area that is used for nothing but relaxing. No cell phones, no television, just a few minutes a day (or more) where you can take a breath and focus on yourself and balance in your life.
The Bottom Line
If decreasing your stress level is important to you, then you might find the ancient art of Feng Shui beneficial. Many of the concepts of Feng Shui focus on embracing nature, limiting clutter, opening up walkways, and balancing the energy in the home.
If you’d like to take advantage of the positive aspects of Feng Shui but aren’t at a place where you can afford to redecorate or spend a lot of money to renovate your home, the above tips are a good way to begin the process. Even just removing clutter can give your home a more comforting feel that makes it a stress-free oasis.