7 Easy Ways to Tame Excessive Gas and Improve Digestive Health
7 minute read
Excessive gas can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Gas can be in the form of burping from your mouth, flatulence, or intestinal gas. When this gas is not released, you experience uncomfortable bloating.
We tend to release the gas to relieve the bloating, but when this becomes excessive, it can be a problem both socially and physically. Thankfully there are ways to relieve the excessive buildup of gas.
How to Tame That Unwanted Gas
Along with treating any serious medical issues, there are things you can do to limit the gas your body creates. Eating a well-prepared and healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and supporting your digestive health are the best ways to prevent gas and other gut troubles.
If you hope to resolve the issue, then you need to uncover the cause of the gas. As you work through the steps below, you will discover the cause and learn how to relieve the buildup.
1. Avoid Gas-Causing Foods
There are a number of foods known to cause intestinal gas. The most common culprits are fruits like apples and pears, and vegetables like broccoli, onions, and brussels sprouts. Whole grains, beans, and dairy products also cause gas because the fibers, sugars, and starches in these foods are difficult to digest.
Some people also experience excessive gas with carbonated beverages and foods containing sorbitol (the natural sugar found in some fruits, and a common sugar substitute in foods, gum, and candy. ).
Upon removing any of these foods from your diet, you should notice less gas, and you may even discover that one food, in particular, was the main culprit. Keep track of what you eat and make a note of it when gas appears.
Not all foods cause gas for everyone, so you need to keep track of what causes yours then limit or eat that food in moderation.
2. Drink Before You Eat
Drinking water while eating your meals can cause depletion of stomach acids. Without adequate stomach acid present, youāre unable to fully digest foods, which may increase the likelihood of gas production.
Instead, drink before you eat. Drinking thirty minutes before a meal has been shown to improve digestion, which will also reduce the chances of gas.
3. Slow Things Down
Eating or drinking too quickly increases the chances of swallowing air along with whatever you are ingesting. This air causes gas.
The solution is to slow things down. Take your time with your meals and you can prevent unnecessary gas production.
Chewing food helps to improve digestion and food breakdown. Chewing stimulates the saliva in your mouth, which releases digestive enzymes. Smaller pieces of food also mean less risk for undigested particles in the gut (which can cause gas too).
4. Eat Activated Charcoal
Not like the charcoal you use for your summer grills, activated charcoal has been used to reduce gas. Activated charcoal goes through a special process that makes it safe for human consumption.
Once consumed, typically as a pill, this charcoal attaches to fluid in your gut and reduces gas and bloating while producing firmer stools.
5. Try Digestive Aids
Digestive enzyme supplements are commonly found in health food stores and pharmacies and can help promote healthy digestion. Your body naturally produces digestive enzymes to break down food into useful components and these supplements can support this action. The more completely your food is broken down, the less gas and other digestive troubles you will have.
There are also digestive aids, such as Beano, that work to break down complex carbohydrates that many people have trouble with. High-fiber foods, such as beans and vegetables, can cause gas because of how difficult they are to digest, but these aids can make the process much smoother and gas-free.
6. Say No To Sweeteners
Sorbitol and other sugar alcohols are used as a sugar substitute in many sugar-free foods, and these are known to aggravate gas. These products also allow harmful bacteria in your gut to thrive, which can irritate the lining of your gut. This irritation causes disruption to digestion, and gas can be an unpleasant result.
7. No Air Means No Gas
Drinking through straws, chewing gum, and smoking all increase the chance that you will inhale extra air. Too much air in your stomach causes gas, so cutting those habits is a sure-fire way to reduce bloating and excessive gas problems.
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The Trouble With Gas
If, after these steps have been followed, you still experience frequent and troubling gas, you may need to speak with your doctor in case one of these conditions is to blame. You should also never ignore excessive gas if you have had recent surgery, a hernia, or an extreme change in weight. If your flatulence is also foul-smelling, your body might be trying to tell you a deeper, internal problem is the cause.
The occasional bout of gas is normal after eating, but should it become more frequent and combined with constant bloating, there could be a more serious problem at hand. Excessive gas should never be brushed aside as a minor problem because it can be indicative of something serious, such as:
ā¦ Lactose intolerance
ā¦ Irritable bowel syndrome
ā¦ Colon cancer
ā¦ GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease)
ā¦ Celiac disease
ā¦ Diabetes
ā¦ Crohnās disease
ā¦ Peptic ulcers
ā¦ Intestinal obstruction
ā¦ Ulcerative colitis
Since several digestive disorders are related to excessive gas production, ignoring the problem or assuming it is just something you ate can be dangerous to your overall health. If your gas is persistent and doesnāt ease up after eliminating foods, then you should see your doctor.
In many cases, digestive issues can be treated when caught early, and digestive enzymes are one way to naturally treat and prevent digestive troubles in the first place.
The Bottom Line
Gas, whether it comes in the form of a bloated belly, burping, or flatulence, is unpleasant. When it happens occasionally, it can be a sign of an efficiently functioning digestive system. When it becomes excessive, it becomes a nuisance.
Through a process of elimination, and with the support of digestion-helping supplements, you can discover the cause of your gas, eliminate it, and restore your comfort levels.
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