5 Vitamins to Relieve Constipation Fast and Naturally
7 minute read
If you suffer from the occasional bout of constipation, then you’re not alone. Depending on your diet, this could be a recurring issue. Your food choices dictate affect how your body digests, absorbs, and excrete nutrients and waste. Therefore, your diet heavily influences your bowel movements.
If you experience frequent constipation, then chances are you need to reexamine your diet, and start adding more vitamins, minerals, and even supplements to help get things moving.
When Things Slow Down
Constipation is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements within a week. The situation can be occasional or chronic, which is when it lasts for more than a few weeks in total.
When this occurs, you may experience discomfort and pain that interferes with your daily life. There are a few key symptoms to look for including fewer bowel movements, hard or small stools, bloating, and straining or difficulty using the bathroom.
There are a number of possible causes for constipation.
♦ Changes in your diet or activities
♦ Not getting enough fiber
♦ Stress
♦ Eating disorders
♦ Irritable bowel syndrome
♦ Being inactive
♦ Problems with the nerves of your digestive system
Mild or occasional constipation is natural should your diet change, but if it lasts for more than a few weeks, then you need to identify the cause and treat it right away. In small bouts, constipation is not dangerous, but when left untreated for a length of time, more serious health problems can develop.
The good news is that when you promote efficient digestion with the help of digestive enzymes, your bowels keep moving and these problems can be avoided. This is why it’s important to recognize the signs of constipation and address the possible causes before they can develop into more serious health problems, such as the ones below.
Poor Mental Health
The buildup of toxic waste in your gut attracts and allows for bad bacteria to thrive. This unhealthy gut environment sends distress signals to your brain via the gut-brain axis. An unhappy gut can trigger depressive symptoms and anxiety so it is best to get your bowels moving before your mental health takes a hit.
When your bowels are not functioning properly, extra pressure is placed on your intestines. It forces you to strain when trying to go to the bathroom, which can result in damage to your rectal area, as well as hemorrhoids. Damage like this can be painful and interfere with future bowel movements.
Blemished Skin
As toxic waste accumulates in your guts, the intestinal wall weakens and become more permeable. This means toxins and bacteria can make their way into the bloodstream and travel throughout your body. Because of the porous nature of your skin, these toxins are easily released, causing breakouts, dry skin, and even psoriasis.
Fermenting waste releases toxic gases which can interfere with how your body functions. As a result, your digestion and metabolism slow down, and you have less energy. Overall fatigue sets in and you feel tired and lethargic most of the time. This can trigger symptoms of depression and impact your physical health, as you are unable to be as active as you once were.
Colon Cancer
With continual bowel blockages and toxic waste lingering in your gut, the risk for developing colon cancer increases. A distressed intestinal tract triggers inflammation which only causes further damage to the cells and delicate tissue in the rectal area. As a result of cell damage, cancer becomes a bigger threat and will continue to do the longer you ignore your constipation.
| Related: 10 Foods to Avoid When Constipated + Good Digestive Foods |
How to Get Things Moving
For the most part the occasional bout of constipation can be treated with any of the over-the-counter medications available in stores. However, these typically only address the symptoms and not the underlying causes.
By making dietary changes, such as drinking more water and adding more fiber, you will help to promote regularity and digestive comfort. In addition to this, there are specific vitamins you can use to ease constipation and alleviate the pain it may be causing you.
Vitamin B1
This vitamin helps stimulate digestive movement and bowel function. The best food sources for B1 include beef, liver, nuts, oats, and oranges.
Vitamin B5
Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 can ease constipation and get your bowels moving. This vitamin, commonly found in most meats, stimulates muscle contractions in your gut, which moves your stool.
Vitamin B12
Another vitamin in the B family that can help is B12. When you are deficient in this vitamin, constipation is a common outcome so keeping your levels up is a good way to prevent it in the first place. Foods that are rich in vitamin B include liver and fish, such as salmon or tuna.
Vitamin C
This water soluble vitamin has an osmotic effect in your digestive tract which means water is easily pulled into your gut. This additional water helps to soften stools making them easier to pass. You must be careful though, because too much vitamin C can cause nausea and diarrhea.
Folic Acid
Folic acid (or vitamin B9) helps to ease constipation in a few different ways. Most foods rich in folic acid are also rich in fiber, which helps to bulk up stools and promote easy movement.
Digestive acids are necessary for the efficient breakdown of food in your stomach and when these are low, undigested food ends up in your gut and blocks flow. Folic acid stimulates the digestive acids you need and can be easily found in leafy greens, beans, bananas, and rice. Many people also find help and relief in digestive enzyme supplements.
The efficient digestion of food is critical to a healthy gut and regular bowel movements. Along with digestive acids, digestive enzymes play a role in making sure all your food is broken down into useable parts.
When you lack the proper digestive enzymes, your body cannot digest your food and it ends up accumulating in your gut. This buildup causes constipation as well as a toxic environment that can be dangerous to your health.
The Bottom Line
Constipation is common and for the most part, not dangerous. However, it can be very uncomfortable and when left untreated, can cause compromise your overall health and wellness.
As bowel movements are largely dependent on what you eat, it is important to follow a balanced and nutritious diet. With certain vitamins and digestive enzymes on the menu, you can be sure that your gut will stay healthy and things will keep moving right along.