Zeaxanthin is a plant-produced carotenoid. It is the pigment that gives fruits and vegetables a yellow to reddish coloring. Zeaxanthin is similar in structure to lutein, which also benefits eye health. 

The retina of the eye contains high concentrations of zeaxanthin. High levels of zeaxanthin in the blood provide protection against common age-related eye symptoms like hazy, blurred, or double vision.

Zeaxanthin for Eye Health

Zeaxanthin, like other carotenoids, is a powerful antioxidant. These play an important role in reducing typical oxidative damage. The eyes are exposed to both oxygen and light all day, which increases the risk of typical oxidative stress. Additionally, the eye has a higher metabolic rate than most other parts of the body.

Zeaxanthin protects the proteins, fats, and DNA in your body to protect against  this typical oxidative stress and support the integrity of eye tissues. It also helps to recycle glutathione, which is another important antioxidant. When it comes to eye health, zeaxanthin is especially beneficial.

As part of a healthy routine that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and everyday stress management, supplements with zeaxanthin can:

♦ Support healthy circulation to eye cells for optimal retina and macular health

♦ Help reduce the risk of age-related symptoms like blurred or double vision

♦ Promote visual acuity and help with everyday fatigue and eyestrain

♦ Help maintain contrast sensitivity and visual processing speed

♦ Protect vision cells against the harsh effects of blue light

♦ Support long-term healthy eye function and vision


Additional Benefits of Zeaxanthin

In addition to supporting healthy vision, the antioxidant capacity of zeaxanthin helps promote heart and brain health.

Heart Health

Zeaxanthin helps reduce occasional oxidative stress to support arterial health. It also promotes healthy cholesterol levels, which supports healthy circulation and overall heart health.

Brain Health

The antioxidant capacity of zeaxanthin helps reduce typical oxidative stress to support healthy cellular function in the brain and promotes healthy cognitive function and mood.

a red and blue brain

Taking Zeaxanthin

There is no recommended dosage for taking zeaxanthin as the amount needed varies across individuals. It’s estimated that 1 to 13 milligrams are consumed from an average diet, but you may need more. Consult with your doctor about how much zeaxanthin you should be getting. Supplements are available for those who need to increase their intake.

The Bottom Line

The eyes hold the highest concentrations of zeaxanthin over every other organ. It is an essential compound to eye health and provides support for brain and heart health as well. Zeaxanthin can be consumed through food or supplemental intake. If you are looking to support eye health and promote long-term vision, adding a zeaxanthin supplement to your routine is a great place to start.