Lutein is a carotenoid and is related to vitamin A and beta-carotene. Both of these nutrients are known to support eye health, and lutein functions in the same way. It’s also known as the pigment that gives vegetables their color.

When consumed, lutein is transported directly to the eye, where it serves as a protective agent. Lutein is an antioxidant, so it provides a wide range of health benefits. Along with vitamin A and beta-carotene, it plays a significant role in promoting healthy vision

Lutein can be naturally sourced and found in supplements or in several foods including spinach, eggs, squash, and carrots. You can also find lutein in nuts and healthy oils, such as avocado or olive oils. 

Most people do not get enough lutein from their diet, which makes supplements necessary. Through food or supplements, lutein can support eye health and help reduce age-related eye symptoms like hazy, blurred, or double vision.

Lutein for Eye Health

Lutein is a powerful carotenoid that supports eye health, by helping to reduce typical oxidative stress. Lutein levels are reduced as part of normal aging, but with supplementation, you can help with age-related eye issues and promote long-term vision by:

♦ Supporting lens health to promote visual acuity and help with occasional glare

♦ Supporting macular health and function to promote contrast sensitivity

♦ Promotes health of the optic nerve for visual processing speed

♦ Promotes healthy circulation to the eyes to help with everyday eye strain

♦ Helps support healthy blood glucose levels, which supports the integrity of blood vessels in and around the eyes

In addition to these benefits, lutein helps to protect against the harsh effects of blue light. Most people spend a large portion of the day in front of a screen or in artificial lighting. The light emitted is blue, and is not good for your eyes. 

Blue light penetrates directly through to the retina. It is the equivalent of sunburn for your eyes. It is, therefore, important to take preventative measures to maintain healthy eyes. Lutein helps to promote antioxidant capacity in the eyes to protect vision cells and promote long-term vision health. 

Additional Benefits of Lutein

Lutein is mostly known for the benefits it brings to your eyes. The antioxidant properties of lutein also allow it to provide health benefits to other parts of the body too.

Skin health: Your skin, like your eyes, is exposed to the environment all day. Lutein helps to reduce typical oxidative stress associated with environmental exposure to promote skin elasticity, and health.

Heart health: The cleansing properties of lutein help reduce typical oxidative stress in the arteries, too, which promotes healthy blood pressure and circulation for optimal heart health.

Urinary tract health: The presence of carotenoids in the blood, such as lutein, can help with occasional urinary symptoms associated with normal aging and promote urinary tract, bladder, and kidney health. 

Taking Lutein

Most diets are low in lutein, so a supplement may be necessary to support eye health. Lutein is considered safe for adults when taken orally, as recommended. It is recommended to take between 6 and 20 milligrams each day. Consult with your doctor on the best amount for you after discussing your health.

The Bottom Line

Lutein is a powerful carotenoid, found naturally in many vegetables and easily found as a supplement. It is important to get enough lutein for proper eye support and vision health. An eye health supplement with a potent dose of lutein can help promote long-term vision and help reduce the risk of common age-related eye issues.