When your gut is overrun with pathogenic bacteria, the consequences are serious. You can experience any number of health problems. These health issues are not limited to the digestive system; your overall health can suffer.

The main reason pathogenic bacteria are able to take over like this is because of a reduction in your friendly gut flora. There is good news, though. You can gain control of the situation by controlling your bacterial composition.

The way to do this is through probiotics. This allows you to tip the balance back in favor of beneficial bacteria and yeasts. Think of it as providing backup for your current defense system.

Bacterial colonies can decrease for any number of reasons, so sending in additional troops will help keep the situation under control. You don't have to make your own fermented foods; a simple high-quality probiotic supplement, like Complete Probiotics Platinum by 1MD Nutrition, will work just fine.

On the Front Lines

Our digestive system houses over 500 different bacterial strains and in an ideal situation, 85% of these or more are beneficial. This means only a minority of pathogenic strains exist in the gut and they can easily be kept under control. Often, your friendly flora is able to recruit some of the pathogenic strains to perform helpful functions.

The problem lately is that most people's guts do not look like this. Diet and lifestyle changes have caused bacterial proportions to change. Most of the gut bacteria are unfriendly. This is dangerous for your digestive and overall health.

Overuse of antibiotics, birth control pills, and other medications contribute to the diminishing front line of friendly bacteria. When you add in diets rich in sugar and processed foods, unfriendly yeasts like Candida are given a reinforcing boost.

a man and woman walking through a grassy area

Send in the Reinforcements

Probiotics consist of thousands of strains of beneficial bacteria that prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, and fungus in the gut. Adding 1MD Nutrition's Complete Probiotics Platinum and other high-quality probiotics to your diet benefit your gut in a number of ways.

♦ Lowers your blood pressure

♦ Produces Vitamin K, which is an essential nutrient to respond to injuries. Vitamin K is responsible for regulating normal blood clotting and also helps to transport calcium around the body.

♦ Produces substances that normalize cholesterol

♦ Neutralizes pre-cancerous compounds

♦ Prevents cavities by creating an alkaline environment. Too much acidity in the system and mouth can allow cavities to develop.

♦ Enhances the protective barrier of the digestive tract, which prevents leaking from the gut into the bloodstream

♦ Aids in the digestion of lactose, beneficial for those with any form of intolerance. Probiotics as part of your regular diet can help speed up the digestion of lactose-containing foods.

♦ Lowers the pH of the intestines

♦ Detoxifies carcinogens that are consumed

♦ Produces beneficial compounds that inhibit the growth of tumors

When you see all the benefits that Complete Probiotics Platinum by 1MD Nutrition can do for your gut and ultimately, your health, it is easy to understand why the Father of Modern Medicine (Hippocrates) said that all disease begins in the gut.


The Probiotic Soldiers

It is always recommended to take probiotics on an empty stomach. When you eat, stomach acids and digestive enzymes can break down the healthy flora from your probiotics, which means you don't get the benefit of the healthy flora. 

You want to make sure that your probiotic is properly nurtured. You achieve this by consuming prebiotic fiber. This is available as a supplement or can be found naturally in fruits and vegetables. 

Beneficial bacteria seek to occupy every tissue in your body, so there is no harm taking additional probiotics at night. This can help protect your mouth and sinus cavities from infections. While you sleep, the friendly flora will work to prevent pathogenic strains from taking over your mouth, nose, throat, and ears.  

a group of people holding watermelons

Since the number of bacteria in your gut can change at any time, there is an additional supplement you can take to support your probiotics and enhance their activity. Polyphenols are the primary agents that protect plants from microbial attacks and they can assist probiotics in doing the same for us.

Polyphenol supplements are available from any health food store and can greatly increase the activity of your gut flora. They are much sturdier and are able to reach your gut when probiotics cannot. They provide the perfect boost to those bacterial strains that do make it through your digestive system.

The Bottom Line

It is clear that supplying probiotics such as Complete Probiotics Platinum by 1MD Nutrition to your system will benefit more than your gut. Since the main source resides in your intestines, this is the place to focus on. When you send in reinforcements, your body can adequately defend against any war pathogenic materials that try to wage.