Grass-fed beef has become a popular trend in recent years, as more and more people are looking for organic options and are trying to cut down on processed foods or foods made from unnatural ingredients.

Grass-fed beef is an attractive option because cows naturally eat grass, so it seems like it would be a more natural alternative to grain-fed beef. However, like many issues regarding nutrition and labels, grass-fed beef versus grain-fed beef is not so black and white.

To that end, it’s important to examine some facts about grass-fed beef and grain-fed beef, so you can make a more informed decision the next time you go to the store to buy groceries for you or your family.

Monounsaturated Fat

This is one area where grass-fed beef is actually inferior to grain-fed beef. Monounsaturated fats are one of the “good” fats that can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues.

Monounsaturated fats can help preserve your body’s cells and are essential to keeping your body functioning at a high level, and grain-fed beef contains much more of these fats than grass-fed beef.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

This is perhaps the area in which grass-fed beef contains the most benefits when compared to grain-fed. Grass-fed beef contains significantly more omega-3 fatty acids than grain-fed.

grains to feed cattle

So what are omega-3 fatty acids good for? Well, they can help your body with various functions, including more energy, flexibility, mobility, better digestion, sharper cognition, and healthier skin. These are powerful fatty acids that support overall health, making grass-fed beef a better option for your diet.

Vitamin B

All beef is a good source of vitamin B, including both grass-fed and grain-fed beef. Vitamin B has been linked to a wide range of health benefits, including strong bones, better heart health, and improved metabolism.

Keeping your body’s levels of B vitamins adequate is essential if you want to function at the highest level possible. Fortunately, all types of beef are rich in this particular nutrient.

So as long as you’re eating a reasonable amount of beef and not overloading, you’ll be doing your health a favor by loading up on vitamin B.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect your body against oxidative damage. This can be hard to avoid, as this is a natural byproduct of many bodily functions. Your best strategy is to load up on antioxidants which can help protect your body.

human immune system attacking a virus

Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants you can give your body, and grass-fed beef is a great source. Grain-fed beef contains significantly less vitamin E than grass-fed, so if you want to give your immunity a powerful boost, you may want to turn to grass-fed beef to support your vitamin E levels.


Another powerful antioxidant is selenium. This molecule has been shown to help with asthma symptoms and protect against inflammation and oxidative stress.

Fortunately, all beef is a good source of selenium, whether grain-fed or grass-fed. So if you’re eating enough beef in your diet, you can rest assured that your body is getting an adequate amount of selenium, which can be a huge help to your immune system.

Vitamin A

This vitamin can help with a wide range of your body’s functions. It’s especially good for supporting bone and muscle tissue growth and repair. To make sure you have strong bones and muscles, keeping a high level of vitamin A in your body is essential.

food rich in vitamin A

Grass-fed beef contains more vitamin A than its grain-fed counterpart, so this is just one more reason to choose grass-fed over grain-fed. Vitamin A has also been linked to healthier skin and better eyesight. It has a wide range of versatile uses, so you should definitely make sure you’re getting enough vitamin A in your diet.


When it comes to your immune system, one nutrient you definitely need is zinc. Zinc is a powerful immune booster, and it’s one of the minerals that most people don’t think of when they consider their nutrition.

Beef is a great source of zinc, whether grass-fed or grain-fed. If you are thinking about adding a regular dose of red meat to your diet, zinc is a great reason to do so.


Iron is essential to good heart health, as it can help your blood deliver oxygen throughout your entire body. Without enough iron, your blood will not be in good shape, which can affect your entire body.

It can make you feel fatigued, can cause headaches and other health problems, and can drag down your entire day. Fortunately, beef is very high in iron. This is true for both grass-fed and grain-fed beef.

a cow grazing in the open

Both are excellent sources of iron, so if you’re looking to increase your levels of this nutrient, either type of beef would be a good option.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits to eating grass-fed beef, but it isn’t necessarily better in every respect. Still, the health benefits of grass-fed beef may be worth it to you if the increased price and availability aren’t a problem.

Depending on where you live and shop, it may be easier to find grass-fed beef than in other parts of the country. Still, it is worth considering a switch, as grass-fed beef has been shown to contain a few more important vitamins and minerals than grain-fed beef.