Nobel Prize Winning Discovery Skyrockets Energy & Improves Blood Flow

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Transform Your Cardiovascular Health Today


CardioFitMD® comes with our 100% money-back guarantee. We’re so confident in this product and the amazing results you will experience that we want it to be absolutely risk-free for you. If after 3 months you don’t find yourself completely satisfied, we’ll give you your money back — no questions asked.

Why I Recommend CardioFitMD®

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As a board-certified Interventional Cardiologist, I’ve helped thousands of men and women overcome the common nutrition-related and age-related challenges of fatigue, lack of drive, brain fog, weight gain, digestive discomfort, and a host of other common health issues.

When I discovered exactly what delivered the life-changing results my patients needed so desperately Ipartnered with 1MD Nutrition® to create CardioFitMD®, an award winning whole-body health formula made with Broad-Spectrum Fiber, Beetroot, Probiotics, Prebiotics, and much more.

CardioFitMD® is a breakthrough solution that combines 20 other critical vitamins and minerals, including rhodiola root powder, vitamin B6, and zinc, all formulated to help promote comfortable digestion, manage weight, improve circulation and heart health, clear thinking, and newfound energy.

In my opinion, CardioFitMD®is the most effective and most comprehensive cardiovascular and digestive health supplement on the market.


Dr. Heather Shenkman

Board-Certified Cardiologist

An Award Winning Cardiologist-Formulated Health Supplement Unlike Any Other

Nitric Oxide to Pump Up Heart & Whole Body Health — Or Your Money Back

  • Promotes Proper Heart Function
  • Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Supports Healthy Circulation
  • Supports Healthy Blood Pressure Levels
  • Promotes Proper Digestive Function
  • Supports Healthy Energy Levels & Stamina

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does CardioFitMD® Work?

CardioFitMD® packs all your key vitamins and minerals into one daily serving, along with a potent blend of probiotics, prebiotics, fiber, beetroot, and rhodiola. These rich nutrients and superfoods are exactly what your body craves and uses to thrive on a daily basis. Just add one scoop to any 12 oz. beverage, stir, and you’re ready to go.

What Does CardioFitMD® Taste like?

Thousands of happy customers love the taste. CardioFitMD® comes in a refreshing, berry-lemonade powder. It mixes perfectly into a smoothie – or even a 12 ounce glass of cold water.

When Should I Take CardioFitMD®?

You can take this formula in the morning, afternoon, or evening – the choice is all yours. On top of that, it only takes seconds to mix, making CardioFitMD® a perfect addition to your daily routine.

Can CardioFitMD® Replace My Multivitamin?

Yes, CardioFitMD® goes beyond most multivitamins by providing 13 key vitamins, 7 essential minerals, beetroot, broad-spectrum fiber, and rhodiola. It even contains probiotics and prebiotics for maximum absorption. So, feel free to ditch your old multivitamin.

Is CardioFitMD® 3rd party tested?

CardioFitMD® contains some of the most powerful ingredients available for real results. It’s also carefully tested for purity and potency at an independent, 3rd-party facility.

What If It Doesn’t Work For Me? Is There A Guarantee?

Yes, absolutely. Every 1MD Nutrition® formula — including CardioFitMD® — comes with an ironclad, 90-day money-back guarantee. In other words, we’ve removed all the risk so you can try it for 3 whole months before making a decision. Although, we doubt you’ll ever want to part ways.

Get Cardiofitmd Today

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